How to Draw Section A-A from Floor Plan & Elevation Plan

In the video above shows the process of making cross section A-A with reference of first floor plans, second floor plan, roof plans, and front view as an example of this how to.

This article will explain things that do not exist or are less clear about how to make cross section A-A in the video. Cause making the video occurs naturally and the habit factor on how to using drawing software make it done.

  1. Prepare complete floor plans and roof plans.

The floor plans don’t have to be complicated. But make sure between floor plans and the roof plans is in sync with each other by aligning exactly one another. Check it using a straight line passes through all the plans.

If after checking it is founded that there is something that is not suitable then edit them beforehand. In order to draw section A-A later there is no confusion as which one to choose as a reference, avoid invalid references.

Section A-A are drawn based on references, if you want to be really detailed drawing then floor plans must be as detail as well.

  1. Set up elevation (view) plan

Drawing section A-A completely and correctly requires minimum two projections: the floor plans and view plans. As explained earlier that the section A-A refers to view plans also. If you want more detailed of section A-A, then the view plans appear to be more detailed also.

Example of floor plans have straight full of wall line on right, left, and rear side. So, drawing of section A-A is only a straight wall line left and right also. In this case, view plans for section A-A references appears to be optional.

In addition, make sure this view plans are sync with the floor plans. The view plans in this occasion, actually front view only, may be placed perpendicularly from the floor plan. In other word, place on above or below the floor plan drawing according to display of them as much as like doing in monitor screen.

Position of front view drawing has to be rather distance away from floor plans drawing so that the bottom edge of the front view does not overlapping upper edge of the floor plans.

Check sync between them using a straight line from the front view to the first-floor plan drawing. Fix it to prevent something wrong that may cause further problems. If necessary, sync the front view on every floor plan and roof plan by sliding it.

  1. Create section A-A tag

To make section A-A tag more useful, place it in the area which can represent full view of drawing on that section building. Sometimes just one is not enough, you can add another section drawing if you like to get more detail about it.

Make sure the tag line of this section A-A is completely straight and this tag keep stay still to prevent chaos in the future.

  1. Start drawing section A-A

First, section A-A can be started with blank workspace or using an example of a section A-A from another project as reference whose function is to speed up the drawing process. In addition, line types, hatches, color, line thickness, drawing blocks, and reference drawings can be used as drawing templates.

It's all right, when starting from a blank workspace, some templates can be taken from the floor plan drawings and appear to be pre-existing.

Create an area of workspace minimum use 4 lines; draw vertical line parallel to the right and left edges of the first-floor plan and then draw horizontal line parallel to the upper and lower edges of the front view.

Duplicate the front view insert it into the workspace area. If sync well before, it should be able to enter exactly fit in the workplace, no doubt about it.

Duplicating elevation view tags on the left and right are known also to be very useful for drawing section more less time than usual, because the dimension of building has been defined beforehand. This reduces many auxiliary lines, reduce time in the end.

Next, convert copy of font view drawing in the workplace to an section A-A drawing by erasing unwanted objects and left objects that may useful for section A-A drawing. Or, simply leave the outer line copy of front view and be gone the rest.

Continue drawing of section A-A until it is finish within help from reference drawing of first-floor plan and front view. After job done, swipe section A-A exactly perpendicular of second-floor plan using a straight-line help, and finish second-floor section in section A-A drawing. And this will continuous until last floor plan and last roof plan drawing done.

If all the reference drawings are in synchronize, there won’t be significant problems. Finally, this is end of how to. But, you can continue to see How to Draw Section B-B from Floor Plan & Elevation Plan which is revealing longitudinal section of the building.

For the record, the steps of creating section A-A also exists in video from beginning until the end. The cad software we had, 99% using menu, toolbar, all mouse commands. We were avoid using keyboard commands, except for text input and input number. We hope they would be providing convenience for entry, intermediate, and advanced level users.

The steps or ‘how to’ are far from perfect, packed with the video will complement each other and which is an inseparable entity.

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